Saturday, February 4, 2012

Brittney Cox
Reflection 2

                Working as a team is important for teacher to learn how to do.  It is hard to implement change at times, but it is possible.  We may be the person in our schools that is willing to incorporate change by using technology based learning.  I can’t imagine getting hired into a school and then telling the principal “yeah, I don’t want to do anything your way.  This is what I am going to do instead.”  I do not think our contracts would be renewed.  This is why it is important to have that team mentality and introduce ideas in a professional, logical way.
                I have always taken criticism well.  I know people who get tremendously offended if anyone even suggests there might be a better way to do something.  We must get passed our egos and allow ourselves to learn from all of the people around us.  This “learning organization” mentality will not only make us better educators, it will also help our students learn.
                I really liked how Ms. Crane introduced her project to a group of teachers before she had her students look at it.  This gave her a chance to get opinions on things that may work well and things that could be improved.  It also helped her to be aware of potential questions and problems the students may have.  It is like “fixing the car before it even breaks.” 
                Once we have understood and put in place our teachers’ “learning organization,” we should then switch our focus to helping students create their own “learning organization.”  There are many tools already in place that we could take advantage of.  Or if we’d prefer, we could make our own.  Blogging is a great way to communicate with people from our school, other schools in the district, or possible schools from around the world.  Regardless of which community we’d choose, teamwork and learning is the main emphasis. 


  1. I agree that we must follow the rules of our schools, but I believe that we can branch out on what they expect and make it our own. I also agree that the learning is the most important piece of the puzzle and we need to make sure that it is never forgotten about.

  2. I like what you are saying about teachings working together and taking criticim from others. I think it is really important for teachers to learn how to take constructive criticim. Teachers are in the business of learning and it is important for teachers to be lifelong learners, which means we should be open to constructive criticism and open to changing our own teacher to be more beneficial for our students.
