Friday, April 13, 2012

Reading Reflection 11

Brittney Cox
Reading Reflection 11

            As a result of using a project based approach to teaching, we will be able to build new lessons off of our old ones.  Our students will ask questions and continue seeking answers.  The questions the class forms after a project is complete can be the driving force for the following lesson.  The students will be engaged and excited to continue learning because their curiosity is driving the curriculum instead of the other way around. 
            We can bring our project home by allowing for an abundance of reflection time once the project was completed.  This will allow students to think about their memories, experiences, artifacts, and souvenirs they have gathered during the project.  We can capitalize on our investment during this reflection time by critiquing our work, share our insights, enter a contest, be resources for our peers, and by enjoying our journey. 
            There are only four different cultures we have available for our students to study in our project.  The students will be left excited about celebrating the different cultures.  I hope they will have questions about other cultures.  While we are celebrating our hard work with a feast of multicultural food, we will also be able to ask more questions and form a second projects based on those questions. 


  1. Good job on the reading reflection. Learning different foods from different cultures is a great way for the students to explore different taste and textures that you don't normally or would normally eat.

  2. Great Job on your reflection! I love the idea of the multicultural food! The kids will love that!!

  3. I really like the idea of the multicultural food too! It can really show the students how wide the world is and make them more open minded to other cultures. Really creative idea!

  4. I think you learned a lot about PBL and how to incorporate it into your teaching.
