Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reflection 8

Brittney Cox
Reflection 8

            There are many ways to build connections and branch out beyond the classroom.  Some of these ways are using digital tools and integrating technology.  This allows the students to reach out into the community and world.  Blogs, digital stories, connecting students with experts, and other students and teachers from around the world will all help build connections outside of the classroom.
            The EAST Initiative Model (Environmental and Spatial Technologies) is a “network of schools (that) have been demonstrating the benefits of using technology for a real purpose-to solve problems and make improvements in their communities (p 133).”  This group uses technology to promote student-driven learning, authentic project-based learning, using technology as a tool, and collaboration. There are three EAST training facilities; the training is split up into three phases.  It takes nine weeks to complete the program, but even after it is finished, the teachers will continue to receive support. 
            Teachers should let students lead their projects because they will then be personally connected to whatever it is they are studying.  They will take ownership over their learning because it relates to their life.  They may even connect with other people by finding commonalities.
            This relates to our project because we would use blogs, digital stories, and connections in our unit.  We also will let our students take the lead, chose their own culture to study, and pick the recipe they are interested in making.  We will use technology as a tool to connect to the world.

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